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The last thing we shared

A slice of life of a bone marrow donor
And his blood brother
With whom he shared everything
Until the very end



He slammed the door open. The room was in disarray. When he left it this morning, it was calm and ordered. Now, too many people were there. Too many machines, too many sounds. They have been running the resuscitation code for a long while, too long.

He looked at his brother. His heart was pounding. Under the pale skin, there was still blood. “My  blood!” he thought. But it wasn’t flowing anymore.

The team leader looked at him and shacked his head. He said without addressing anyone in particular: “Stop the code. It’s futile.”

The man walked passed him. Went to his brother’s bed. Pulled out rageously the tube out of his brother’s throat, tearing the fragile skin of the lip. As he was holding his brother by the neck of his hospital gown, he felt the warm blood dripping on his hand.

It was outrageous!  How dare his brother wasted the blood he had so carefully given to him?  How dare he created this mess the moment he walked out of the door? He shook his brother like it would wake him up:

“How dare you?  How dare you leave me?
Idiot! Wake up!
I will never forgive you. Do you hear me?
I will never forgive you!
Don’t you ever dare to come here after doing this to me.
I will … never forget.


Until we meet next time…

Take care…”

A perfect match they said
Not a mystic fortune teller
But a twist of fate
Presented by a medical report

While you leave
Behind my blood
Dies with you

While a part of you
In me

We shared everything.

We shared genes.
We shared a story.
We shared blood.

We shared death.

So until next time we meet,
Take care,

